MP’s aides take wrong floor

  • Ruslan Harbachou, Salidarnasc
  • 20.01.2014, 13:08

Friday evening. Doorbell rings. “We are here about the elections”, - voices from the corridor say.

I open. The guy warns: “We are an initiative group!”. The girl reaches out with a folder and in an instant I have an A4 photo in front of me.

- We are collecting signatures for nominating Chachukievich Jury Valer’jevich!

Apparently they made students work for municipal elections. In the picture there is a young man in an all-buttoned suit, tie and right expressing on his face.

- Who is that, - I am sking.

- First secretary of Minsk city BRYU committee.

This is how our conversation ends, I thank for attention and say goodbye. The students go to the door of the pensioner neighbor. She apparently recognizes Chachukievich Jury Valer’jevich.

- Is this the one that did not make it last time?

- No, he did! He is running for his third term, - the students explain.

- Aaaah… He said he would deal with problems, but everything is just like it was in Bielamorskaja Street.

The neighbor did not give her signature either. Through the peephole I am following how the events unfold. The neighbor of roughly 35 years old does not get what they want from him at once, but as he does, he reacts quickly as a lightning.

- Deputies? Nothing depends on them.

Third door on the floor also closes, while the initiative group still has not a single signature.

- Fu*k, what a floor, let’s get out of here, - the student urges his friend.

My conscience is at ease, but I am thinking: maybe I was too harsh on the guys, did not give them a chance to tell me about the achievements of the BRYU’s leader. I go on Google, find the official biography.

Minsk city council “deputy” since he was 23 years old. Apparently he never had a regular job for even a day. Single.

I encounter an interview to Evening Minsk.

At schools “acted as a promoter of the form master’s ideas”. He wanted to enter BSU’s faculty of history, but parents persuaded to enter a technical university so that he could help them build a summer house. In vain. “Alas, there are no holidays in the sphere of youth policy – it is very rarely that he manages to get to the summer house”.

After the question of a possible wedding Chachukievich is being asked – have you thought about children? “Children should be helped on the constant basis”, - he responds.

He tells about a dreams: “In a certain number of years I would like to become a manager. I am not sure about the scale – maybe a head of an enterprise or do something in the sphere of public relations”. It is not a bad dream of the “elected representative of the people”.

I am reading the news of the acting MP.

BRYU contributes to the preservation of the historical memory (Chachukievich comments on Lukashenka’s press-conference).

BRYU arranges excursions by a two-level bus for first year students from other cities (Chachukievich invites to drive around Minsk).

BRYU grows! (Chachukievich hands out membership cards).

BRYU attracts students to building brigades by Br4 million salaries (Chachukievich invites to work).

Although people do not eagerly give their signatures for the acting MP, I bet he will have no way to escape his third term in office.

We are waiting for March in order to forget about Chachukievich until the next elections, when he will definitely show up. And again he will give us an opportunity to plunge into the wonderful life of the capital without the problems of housing, ugly architecture, the conditions of roads an lack of parking spaces.

Ruslan Harbachou, Salidarnasc

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