Liabedzka fined for collecting signatures

  • 14.01.2014, 15:07

Minsk's Savetski district court issued a fine of 5.85 million rubles to Anatol Liabedzka.

The chair of the United Civil Party (UCP ) said it to

“I was fined 45 penalty unites for 'organising an unsanctioned gathering to collect signatures'. I was ready to get a fine or a term of detention. Perhaps, this money will be spent on buying gold dishes for Lukashenka. Seriously speaking, we will continue to collect signatures against the car duty and for resignation of the authorities,” the UCP leader says.

Anatol Liabedzka was detained on January 12 ahead of the announced event to collect signatures to cancel the car duty. He was punched in the kidney as plainclothes police officers were detaining him. The politician was taken outside Minsk to Kurapay memorial area and held at a police station for seven hours.

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