"Theatregoers" from police come to look at Michael Attenborough

  • 8.07.2013, 11:19

Police officers again broke up a performance by the Belarus Free Theatre in Minsk.

Free Theatre artistic director Mikalai Klalezin wrote about this on his Facebook account.

“We again have guests at the Free Theatre. Police officers are writing down passport information of actors and spectators. Among the spectators was Michael Attenborough, a Commander of the Order of the British Empire, who arrived in Minsk to teach in Fortinbras theatre laboratory.

Mikhail Baryshnikov called the theatre during the police raid to support Belarusian actors. He made a telephone call just after his first night's performance in Manchester,” he wrote.

It's not the first time when police officers have tried to disrupt Free Theatre's performances. They raided the premises several times explaining that neighbours had called the police.

The performance that “theatregoers” from police attended today was called “Merry Christmas,Ms Meadows”.

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