Radio Svaboda’s journalist summoned to prosecutor’s office

  • 8.05.2013, 10:28

A journalist Aleh Hruzdzilovich must show up at a prosecutor’s office “for a clarification of circumstances due to a violation of the legislation”.

“They did not explain, which circumstances, nor which legislation”, - Aleh Hruzdzilovich noted for Radio Svaboda.

He is being summoned by a prosecutor office’s official Natalla Zhukavec.

The pressure on independent media has increased lately. The web-sites of Belarusian Partisan and the human rights center Viasna were hacked on 25 April, three days before that there had been an attack on the web-site. By the means of a DDoS-attack the malefactors managed to blog the work of the web-site for an hour. A blogger Dzmitry Halko was sentenced to 10 days in prison, a journalist of Radio Racyja Aliaksandr Jarashevich was sentenced to a 12-day administrative arrest.

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