Journalists Aliaksandr Yarashevich and Zmitser Halko detained

  • 7.05.2013, 11:35

Members of the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) were returning from a detention centre in Akrestin Street, where they had met released prisoners.

Aliaksandr Yarashevich told the BAJ press service he and blogger Zmitser Halko were approaching a metro station when a police minibus stopped near them. Both were detained.

According to the BAJ, Yarashevich and Halko were taken to Minsk's Maskouski district police department.

Police reports for alleged disobeying policemen were drawn up against Yarashevich and Halko. The men were left behind bars until morning.

The detained men are expected to be tried at 10 a.m. on Tuesday at the address 27 Gazeta Pravda Avenue.

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