Travel ban lifted from Kalyakin

  • 7.02.2013, 10:55

Syarhei Kalyakin, the leader of Fair World party, was the last politician whose travel ban was annulled.

“I finally received a reply from the Migration Department of the Interior Ministry saying I can travel outside the country. I was put on the database of the people restricted to leave Belarus by mistake, due to a technical glitch. No guilty people have been found, but the department says they will be identified. They apologized to me and said a request to remove me from the blacklist was sent to the State Border Committee.

It's clear it's just a game. There were no glitches. I am happy I can travel abroad. But it remains the fact that they can restrict people's constitutional rights on far-fetched grounds, explaining it by an error,” Syarhei Kalyakin said to a correspondent.

A number of politicians, journalists and human rights activists were banned from leaving Belarus in 2012.

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