Young Democrats: BRYU adopt the Hitler-Jugend’s practices

  • 11.02.2013, 11:30

Lukashenka decided to recruit freelance riot police troops and is intensively training them for surprising peaceful protest actions.

The acronym of the previous week is YBPOS Youth Brigades for Public Order Security. The web-site of the United Civic Party asked the leader of the Young Democrats Dzmitry Kavalhin to comment on the controversial BRYU’s innovation:

- I do not see anything good in that. BRYU creates some assault brigades with the assistance and participation of the authorities. The historical analogy that comes to mind is Hitler-Jugend. They also had the uniform, a paramilitary structure, massive ideological and military and sports training. Even the Soviet Communists did not think of anything like that, all those brigades were rather formal structures. If any of the oppositionists tried to create anything like that – there is no doubt that all the people involved would be sentenced to some serious terms in prison. Bu the authorities do that and even show that off.

It is known that Belarus is already the most policized state in the world, having outrun Brunei and Russia by 1.5 times in terms of the number of policemen. But, apparently, even that is not enough for Lukashenka since he decided to recruit freelance riot policemen and is intensively training them for suppressing peaceful protests.

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