Siarhei Antusevich: Will Lazavik pay car duty?

  • 20.12.2013, 7:42

A trade union activist thinks he won't.

Siarhei Antusevich, a deputy head of the Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions, spoke to about the initiative of holding the campaign Stop Tax against the car duty.

“The initiative to hold the campaign shows that Lazavik lied when he said he didn't care how many people would sign the petition,” he said.

The trade union activist noted more than 72,000 people signed the petition against imposing the car duty.

“It means the problem of the car duty is not more popular than the $100 duty for border crossing. There are many people, for example pensioners, who use car only in a particular season, for example, in summer, but they will have to pay the duty,” Siarhei Antusevich said.

He noted that Lukashenka, Miasnikovich, Tozik, Lazavik and other officials wouldn't pay the duty.

“There are certain categories of vehicles exempt from this tax. I think cars of officials will be classified as public or special vehicles, but they will live on this tax,” the trade union leader said.

We remind that calls to protest against the new car duty appeared yesterday on Internet forums and social networking websites.

Car owners are supposed to move to Independence Square from any place in Minsk after 17:30. Cars should stop, turn on hazard flashers and honk car horns at 18:00. Pedestrians are called to support the action.

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