EU Heads of Missions Visit Kurapaty and Trastsyanets

  • 5.11.2013, 12:58

In Kurapaty, the diplomats laid flowers at memorial signs.

Today heads of Minsk-based diplomatic missions of European Union Member States, together with the Chargé d'Affaires a.i. of the United States of America in Belarus, visited Kurapaty and Trastsyanets, mass graves of victims of the 20th century totalitarian regimes.

It has become a tradition for the diplomats to gather at the sites on or around Dzyady, Remembrance of Ancestors Day, to honour the memory of the victims.

In Kurapaty, the diplomats laid flowers at memorial signs, including at the Memorial Cross and the hilltop stone that marks the site chosen by Belarus' government for a memorial to be erected in commemoration of the tragic fate of the people murdered and buried at the site.

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