Someone demands to delete a video filmed by KGB in 2010 from Youtube

  • 4.10.2013, 16:12

In the video, Andrei Dzmitryeu tells about good police, drunken opposition activists and dispersal of Nyaklyaeu's column.

The Youtube users who published the video on their channels got a warning from Youtube support service. The warning says that someone complained about violation of confidentiality in the video in which Tell the Truth's Andrei Dzmitryeu tells about the circumstances of dispersal of Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu's column at night on December 19, 2010, reports.

The users have 48 hours "to change the personal information in the mentioned message, or delete it". Otherwise, the Youtube team will decide on the complaint.

The Youtube administration does not inform who demanded to delete the video.

"I have no idea... I don't know anything about this," Andrei Dzmitryeu answers Euroradio's question on whether he initiated delete of the video. "Probably it was someone from the team, there are people. I will find out, this is interesting."

In February 2013, Andrei Dzmitryeu admitted that he recorded some confessions after the Square as the KGB arrested his future wife. His confessions helped - the girl was released the following night.

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