Military tribunal left beheaded

  • 17.01.2013, 12:59

The chairman of the Belarusian military court a colonel of Justice Andrei Chyzhou resigned.

He filed a statement of resignation as a judge and the chairman of the court, a blogger d-zholik reports.

They confirmed this information to Euroradio in the Belarusian military court.

“Of his own free will… But there is still no dismissal order”, - a court’s official said.

Blogger d-zholik notes that Andrei Chyzhou went through all the career stated, having started as a judge of a inter garrison military court. He became the chairman of the Belarusian military court in July 2009. An assumption is being expressed that he resigned protesting against the illegal operational activities and non-permitted methods of investigation on the part of KGB and Investigatory Committee.

We would remind that it is in the Belarusian military court where the trial of the former deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Yaugeni Paludzen started the other day.

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