Komsomolskaya Pravda journalist detained at a polling station

  • 23.09.2012, 15:45

Dzmitry Lasko was at the polling station 704 (Minsk’s Partisan constituency). A policeman demanded him to delete the pictures he made at the polling station.

The information about the incident was announced at the Central Electoral Commission’s press-conference on 23 September by a colleague of the detained journalist, another Komsomolka reporter Iryna Kozlik. The CEC’s secretary Mikalai Lazavik pointed out that the Electoral Code grants journalists the right to make pictures at polling stations.

As the newspaper’s employees reported to the Belarusian Association of Journalists, Dzmitry Lasko was released right after the issue of his detention was brought up at the CEC’s press-conference, the human rights center “Viasna” reports.

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