The workers of “Beltransgaz" are being deprived of "Gazprom" salaries

  • 7.08.2012, 10:35

Last week each employee of "Beltransgaz", was freed from a part of the salary.

50 thousand BYR were taken from workers,100 thousand BYR - from the senior staff.

This was reported by a reader of the website

"People started complaining, saying what are this strange contributions? But anyone who did not agree to give the money and put a signature was explicitly and unequivocally warned: either give the money and sign under it, or you won't pass labor protection exams. Naturally, all signed after this.

Total from all employees were deducted 300-500 million rubles. Where are this money now – unknown. Rumors spread that money is being collected to pay September “pre-election” salaries to budgetary workers. Of course, no accounting documents about where the money will be spent workers of “Beltransgaz" will not get. And here is a question: Is the owner of the "Gazprom" company aware of the fact that his money for salaries are taken with such “black” methods by the Government of Belarus?", - asks the reader.

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