"Hunt" on activists of "European Belarus"

  • 22.08.2012, 16:49

(updated) Activists of “European Belarus”, who return from Warsaw, are being detained right on Minsk central railway station.

On august 22, about 11 a.m., at the central railway station in Minsk police has detained Mogilev activist of "European Belarus" Victar Boldin.

He had just got off the train, says the HRC "Viasna".

A similar story happened yesterday in the evening, when at the railway station was arrested activist of "European Belarus" Aliaxei Tseply. The young man had just returned home from Poland. Today in the Oktyabrsky district court of Minsk the activist was fined for 5 basic rates on the base of Article 17.1 ("Disorderly conduct") of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Belarus. The trial, which lasted just five minutes, was headed by Judge S. Germanovich.

As Tseply told, at 7 a.m. to his cell in Akrestsin came a KGB officer. He demanded to sign a falsified report that activist, allegedly, was using obscene speech. He also threatened that in case of refusal, "other people will talk" with the oppositionist. The KGB officer also said that the real reason for the trial of the activist is the distribution of printed newspaper "Charter'97" in Minsk.

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