Lukashenko drank cognac in working hours

  • 10.07.2012, 13:42

Today, the governor has opened in Minsk on the line for bottling of Armenian cognac.

Lukashenko took part in a symbolic launch of the production line. The capacity of the joint venture is designated for 2 million liters of production per year. The raw material comes from Armenia. Lukashenko got acquainted with a manufacturing process and also tried cognac, which, according to specialists, is the best one in the market of Belarus. At a meeting with businessmen of Armenia he several times noted about a more active dialogue of business communities of the two countries. The Belarusian trade house was opened in Yerevan one year ago. Now a large production to bottle cognac was opened in Minsk. According to Lukashenko, the two projects are very ambitious. It talks of the necessity to expand investment cooperation.

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