Amnesty International refuses to recognize Kavalenka prisoner of conscience

  • 17.05.2012, 12:56

The organization continues to monitor the situation of the political prisoner.

MEP Marek Migalski received this information from John Dalhuisen, Director for Europe and Central Asia at Amnesty International. The text of the letter can be found on website.

John Dalhuisen notes the organization will continue to monitor the situation of Syarhei Kavalenka and take measures if necessary.

To explain his decision John Dalhuisen referred to evidence by police officers, who claim Kavalenka showed disobedience to police in jail.

Marek Migalski said in reply evidence by the people involved in regime-organized repression cannot be taken for granted. The MEP continues to insist the Belarusian political prisoner should be recognized prisoner of conscience.

We remind Syarhei Kavalenka was sentenced to 2 years of imprisonment for violation rules of a suspended sentence he received for hanging out a white-red-white flag on a Christmas Tree in Vitebsk in 2010. He was on hunger strike from middle December to late March with a 20-day break. He lost 50 kg. He has resumed hunger strike in a detention facility in Vitebsk.

Syarhei Kavalenka's appeal against the verdict is to be heard in the Vitebsk region court on May 18.

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