Lukashenka: No need to make me bow (Video)

  • 5.04.2012, 14:08

The dictator asks not to make him bow and “demand to fulfill requirements”.

On relations with West

Lukashenka thinks normalization of the relations with the European Union is possible, but says blackmailing and pressure from the EU are unacceptable for Belarus.

“We are not against normalization of the relations with them [the EU]. But there should be no pressure or blackmailing. It counterproductive to press on us, make us bow and demand to fulfill their requirements to us,” Lukashenka said Thursday at a meeting to discuss foreign policy matters, Interfax reports.

On political prisoners

The head of state said he would consider a question concerning giving a pardon to the politicians convicted in the case of the events on December 19, 2010.

“As for those who have applied for a pardon, I will turn to this issue in the nearest time. In the nearest time. No one can blame me for not fulfilling my commitments or promises,” he noted.

“We will accept petitions from certain persons who finally realized the malignancy of their position and policy towards the state,” the dictator said.

Lukashenka said, “A lot of talks about so called political prisoners have recently been heard.” “We do not have political articles in the Criminal Code,” he emphasized. According to him, “even pro-opposition media say openly it's no use pressing on Lukashenka”. “This is true. But they are mistaken when they say pressure on Lukashenka makes him act contrariwise. Absolute nonsense. I never take decisions guided by my personal ambitions. I will act in compliance with the Constitution and Law. No 'contrariwise' is possible,” Lukashenka said.

“You should be more polite if you asks for something, this is right. Moreover, if you ask or demand something from the president. Do not knock at the window with a stick,” he said.

Speaking about the imprisoned opposition members, the head of state marked he was rebuked he had not freed them yet. “There's one reason: I announced it some months ago and it was a wide fuss. I warned: giving a pardon is possible after their written application for clemency,” he said.

“It was followed by clamor. Yes, they signed appeals, but someone pressed on them to do so,” the dictator noted.

Lukashenka said in this respect the competent officials were instructed to check if “pardon petitions were signed on their own will or they were really forced to write them”. “I was given the information, including footages, these people say openly and honestly it was their own will,” he said.

He added, “a couple of them refused to sign the petition,” “Well, it's their choice. Let them serve the whole term,” Lukashenka said.

On the return of European ambassadors

He said official Minsk was not against the return of EU ambassadors, but the Belarus would consider the return of each diplomat personally.

“The foreign minister and I agreed we would consider every country [EU - Interfax]and every ambassador personally as regards their return to Belarus. But it's not that we want to hinder the return of ambassadors,” he said.

“What concerns the return of European diplomats to Belarus, we will provide a business-like policy,” the head of state noted.

Lukashenka stated, “There are many talks and speculations about the return of ambassadors.” “They say Lukashenka wants or does not want, allows them to return or does not allow. I have never viewed this problem from this angle,” he stressed.

“We did not expel ambassadors of European states from the country. It was their will to leave. It was their diplomatic and political step. It was a demarche that did damage to our Foreign Ministry as minimum and to our state as maximum. Our reaction was calm,” he said.

“As for coming back, we will see how they will return to Belarus,” Lukashenka said. “But we should not say we will not allow them to the country. Do we need to talk to someone? Yes, we need,” Lukashenka said.

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