Family of executed Kanavalau still in isolation

  • 20.04.2012, 14:49

Relatives of Dzmitry Kanavalau, a man accused of committing a series of terrorist attacks in Vitebsk ans Minsk, have been under protection since his arrest.

Unlike relatives of Kanavalau, the family of Uladzislau Kavalyou was not taken under protection. The information service 109 replies “no information can be given on the subscriber” to the request for Kanavalau's phone number.

The information and public relations office of the Internal Affairs Directorate at the Vitebsk region executive committee told Radio Svaboda police do not have any relation to guarding the family of Kanavalau:

“This question is not to us. You should understand our people are not involved in the case. You'd better apply to other agencies engaged in investigation of the terrorist attack, like prosecutor's office, the KGB and others.”

However, these agencies declined to comment on the protection of the Kanavalaus and recommended to send a written request.

Lawyers explain any person can apply for protection if he feels he is in danger.

The parents of Kanavalau stayed far from journalists and did not attend trials, so it's unknown if they applied to appropriate agencies for protection. The mother and sister of Kavalyou did not ask for protection.

Practice shows protection can be lifted after a written request of an applicant.

Though Dzmitry Kanavalau and Uladzislau Kavalyou were executed more than a month ago, the flat of the Kavanalau's still remains under protection of people in mufti.

Pensioner Uladzimir Shmakau lives above the flat of the family of Kanavalaus. He says he often sees Dzmitry's mother and father mostly accompanied by men in mufti:

“They are always under surveillance. Evenfi they are walking their dog they are accompanied by some men. I cannot understand why and for what? A car with two guys appears at 6 in the morning and follow the Kanavalaus wherever they go. I know it because the car stands under my windows or around the corner. After lunch the second shift arrives and works till 9 or 10 in the evening. It's not clear about their telephone: either they were blocked deliberately, or they blocked the number on their own will so that people could not disturb them.”

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