Foreign Ministry of Poland: We are to create repertory of reforms for Belarus

  • 17.04.2012, 17:14

Poland's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz made a speech at a conference of “Dialogue for Modernization” initiative.

A seminar “Privatization and private entrepreneurship” is held in Warsaw on April 16-17. The seminar is a part of the new initiative of the European Union for Belarus “European Dialogue with Belarusian society for Modernization.”

As a reporter of informed, yesterday the initiative was presented in Warsaw by the head of the Foreign Ministry of Poland Radoslaw Sikorski and the EU Commissioner on Enlargement and God Neighbourhood Policy Stefan Fuele. The aim of this initiative is discussing the future of Belarus. At the first seminar in Warsaw economic reforms necessary to be held in Belarus are discussed.

In his speech at the seminar on April 17 Deputy Foreign Minister of Poland stated:

“Modernization is a way to sovereignty and a guarantee of democracy. It is one of the most important ways towards democratization.

Poland had deep reforms, in particular privatization. 75% of the GDP of our country are generated by the private sector. Privatization, as well as a deep social reform is a highway to prosperity. Without carrying out privatization, the difference between the economic situation in Belarus and Poland is going to grow.

Recently many countries of the EU encountered a crisis. During the crisis it is not so easy to realize any kind of European vision. An idea to create a common space from Vancouver to Vladivostok is unreal now. Belarus stands on the border of our worlds.

We would not like just to give lectures and teach Belarusians how to carry out reforms. We know that there is no one good blueprint. We want to support Belarus and the civil society to the extent to which it is necessary.

Poland promotes interests of Belarus at the European Union’s arena. The initiative “Dialogue for Modernization” is a platform which is support changes in Belarus. We would like to define instruments of financial support for these reforms. Seminars of this initiative are to be held in the capitals of other European states. We are going to create a repertory of reforms for Belarus.

Today we are trying to open our borders gradually. We would not like to complicate the process of issuing visas for Belarusians, we want to do it in a simple way, and possibly even for free. The idea of modernization should originate in the minds of Belarusians.”

The Head of EU Delegation to Belarus Ambassador Maira Mora has also taken part in the seminar:

“Discussion on political, economic and legal reforms for Belarus is to become a part of the initiative “Dialogue for Modernization” as well. The dialogue is to be held in 4 stages. The first stage is to last until the parliamentary election in September.

For the first time the EU holds such wide consultations with the civil society and opposition in a third country. The EU has a vast experience of transformations from centralized economy towards market economy.

We want such meetings to be held in Minsk, but the situation in Belarus does not allow us carrying out consultations with the government. However, Minsk is to play an important role in assessment which reforms are necessary. I hope that soon we would be able to transit from the dialogue to cooperation with the government.

We are urging Belarus to up on the command-and-control economy and move towards the market-based one. Belarus and the EU are interested in common investments and in Belarus’ joining the WTO.

The upcoming parliamentary election in Belarus would be important for Europe. Political pluralism and democracy are necessary for us. We hope that Belarus will invite ODIHR OSCE observers to this election.”

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