“Hitlerjugend” patrolling Minsk streets

  • 11.04.2012, 16:27

BRSM public order youth squads started a news season on April 10.

BRSM, a pro-Lukashenka youth organization, often calls squad members “soldiers” and stresses young people patrol streets and look for offenders and alcoholics following the dictates of heart, reports.

Members of BRSM public order squads and riot police will patrol places in Minsk popular among young people from April 10 to 21. They are to “prevent committing offenses among the youth, alcoholism and road accidents”.

Officially, members of BRSM patrols do not receive pay for their work. BRSM activists took part in over 1,000 detentions last year.

The number of BRSM squads “soldiers” has increased by 2,000 during the last 6 months and reached 7,000 people. Members of the squads patrol streets (officially, in a company of policemen) and have training at riot police bases.

Besides, BRSM activists will help organize sporting events with competitive and extreme elements for troubled teenagers.

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