BHC demands to check legality of list of travel banned

  • 22.03.2012, 10:25

Lawyers of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee (BHC) applied to the Prosecutor General's Office over a travel ban imposed on a number of public activists, journalists and politicians.

“Human rights activists ask to carry out an inquiry into the fact of violation of constitutional rights of citizens to freedom of movement and violation of the legislation on the exit procedure. They also insist prosecutors should take appropriate measures,” the BHC website reports.

Harry Pahanyaila and Aleh Hulak sent individual requests to the Prosecutor General's Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Justice.

We remind that the reason for the travel ban for Aleh Hulak was a civil suit against him. Harry Pahanyaila was banned from leaving the country due to a case on bankruptcy, in which he is declared a debtor or a person relating to a debtor.

The applicants ask the Ministry of Justice to provide them with the information about the grounds on including them into the data bank of persons temporarily banned from leaving the country and ask the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to check if the information that gave the grounds on imposing a travel ban on them was accurate and complete.

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