Amnesty International calls to release bodies of executed men to their families

  • 20.03.2012, 11:30

The Amnesty International condemned the execution of Belarusians Dzmitry Kanavalau (DmitryKonovalov) and Uladzislau Kavalyou (Vladislav Kovalev).

Human rights activists also called Minsk to release the bodies of the executed men to their families for burial, the Amnesty International's website says.

“Despite publicly stating its intention to abolish the death penalty, the Belarusian government continues to issue death sentences and execute prisoners. President Alexander Lukashenko should establish an immediate moratorium on the death penalty, in line with successive UN General Assembly resolutions calling for a global moratorium. The Belarusian authorities must also release the bodies to the families of the two men,” said John Dalhuisen, Amnesty International’s Director for Europe and Central Asia.

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