Rally on Freedom Day permitted

  • 20.03.2012, 11:15

The Minsk city executive committee allowed holding a rally on Freedom Day, March 25.

Radio Svaboda has learned the news from Viktar Ivashkevich, a member of the organizing committee.

Participants are supposed to gather near the Academy of Science at 1:30 pm and then walk along Surhanau Street to Bangalore Square, where a meeting is planned at 3:00 pm.

“The Minsk city executive committee had a meeting with participation of Uladzimir Kolas, Alyaksei Marachkin and me. The Minsk city executive committee permitted to carry out a rally and a meeting. They agreed to fulfill our requirements. We hold an extended meeting today at 5 pm with participation of the leaders of political and public organizations. We give a press conference on the address 4 Kulman Street at 12:00 pm tomorrow. But the main thing is that the rally and the meeting were permitted. There will be no limitations concerning the use of national symbols,” Viktar Ivashkevich said.

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