Statkevich taken out under guard with dogs

  • 9.02.2012, 13:50

Mikalai Statkevich, a presidential candidate and political prisoner, writes from Mahilyou prison, that he is kept there as an especially dangerous criminal.

He is taken out once a day under guard with gods. The wife of the politican Maryna Adamovich told about that after she received a letter dated back by February 2, radio Svaboda informs.

“Mahilyou post tortoise does not work faster than Shklou’s one. Mikalai writes about the incarceration conditions a little. The regime there reminds a remand prison, but there are more limitations. They are not allowed to lie in bed during the day. Guards are more vigilant, for instance, when he went for a walk alone as my neighbour refused because of the frost, a guard with a sheep dog in front of me and the other with a Rottweiler behind him were marching. And then he jokes as usual: “I am not stressed by that, as you know I like dogs very much,” the wife of the politician said.

As said by Maryna Adamovich, more pleasant piece of news is that Mikalai Satakevich had a medical check-up. He reads a lot, as there is a fairly good library in the prison, and he has written many letters.

Mikalai Statkevich was sentenced to 6 years’ imprisonment in a maximum security penal colony on mass riot charges. However in mid January 2012 on the decision of the court he was transferred from Shklou colony to Mahilyou prison, where custodial control is much harsher.

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