BRYU broke through into Strasbourg

  • 10.02.2012, 10:16

The official Minsk has started to slip through into Europe in a variety of ways.

The leader of the pro-regime youth organization, the Belarusian Republican Youth Union (BRYU), Ihar Buzouski, who had not been blacklisted by the European Union, has take part in a seminar of young parliamentarians and youth leaders held under the auspices of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Earlier the BRYU representatives did not take part in such events, “Narodnaya Volya” informs.

“I also had a chance to talk personally to the new President of the PACE, Jean-Claude Mignon. I asked him a question how the relations between Belarus and the EU should develop after his election. The new leader expressed himself in favour of our relations’ taking the form of a dialogue,” Buzouski said to “Belorusskaya Niva” newspaper.

However, the BRYU leader has failed to notice an important issue. The new PACE head really advocates a dialogue with Belarus. But he attracts attention to the fact that official Minsk understands a dialogue as unilateral concessions by Europe. And it is unacceptable for Europe.

“We are not heard, that is why we should stand our ground. The current regime in Belarus shows toughness on its part, and does not want to take in consideration what it is being told. It is regretful we have come to such a stage… As a French deputy I met with the Belarusian Ambassador to Paris four times in order to discuss the current questions in substance. When you discuss them with him, there is an impression that everything is fine, everything would be settled, and then exactly the opposite to what we had been told happens. All that means that we should say: Stop, enough is enough at some point,” Jean-Claude Mignon stated during the hearings on the Belarusian issue at the PACE.

However representatives of the official Minsk are trying to have it their own way, and without changing anything substantially, to be legalized at international bodies by any means. Thus, in Strasbourg Ihar Buzouski voiced an idea of creation of youth parliamentary groups under the CIS, the PACE and national parliaments, and also offered to discuss an idea of creation a single consolidating centre, or rather a youth Eurasian movement, which should encompass by its activities not only the CIS, but European and Asian countries. The BRYU leader is hurrying to secure places at the PACE for young Belarusian deputies who would be elected to the Chamber of representatives in the next election. He seems not to know that the civilized world does not recognize results of the Belarusian elections and does not consider Belarusian deputies to be really elected and legitimate ones.

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