Political prisoner Frantskevich is being isolated in the colony

  • 13.11.2012, 8:52

The administration of the Ivatsevichy colony Wolf Holes tries to isolate the political prisoner form the rest of the prisoners.

The prison guards forbid other prisoners to talk to Aliaksandr Frantskevich. Those, who keep communicating with him, are threatened with penalties and isolation cells, Radio Racyja reports.

The mother of the imprisoned anarchist Tatiana Frantskevich, who has recently visited her son in the colony, reported about that.

“He holds on well, looks okay. He said that the isolation around him reaches the extent that the prisoners are told not to talk to him. There is a very narrow circle of those who are not afraid to communicate with him. He says that there is a pressure on the prisoners to make them stop talking to him”, - she said.

In May last year Aliaksandr Frantskevich was sentenced to three years in a high security prison. Human rights defenders recognized Frantskevich and his companions Mikalai Dziadok and Igar Alienevich as political prisoners and demand their immediate release.

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