Ales Byalyatski: New political prisoners may appear instead of released ones

  • 2.10.2012, 17:02

A human rights activist thanked for attention to Belarusian political prisoners.

Ales Byalyatski wrote in a letter he had received many letters and postcards on his birthday, Viasna human rights centre reports.

“I receive a lot of letters and postcards. I try to reply to every letter with the return address. Let's see how I will cope. I received about 200 letters from 25 to 27 September.

It became warmer and my mood went up...

The greatest surprise was a visit of the nuncio on September 25. I couldn't imagine it. He said the Pope worried about us. When John Paul II paid a visit to Cuba, more than 100 prisoners were released. They were boarded on a plane and sent to Canada without their consent. I hope for a better variant. It is an optimistic sign that the nuncio was allowed to visit us. He asked what I wanted to say to the Pope. I said to pass him thanks for his care about us.

In this story, it is more important to create an atmosphere where new political prisoners will not appear instead of released ones. We should always remember this,” the political prisoner wrote.

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