Niakliaieu: the people simply didn’t vote

  • 12.10.2012, 15:15

Unlike Lukashenka, the leader of the civil campaign Tell The Trith believes that the Belarusians have boycotted the “elections”.

“The people simply didn’t vote, and this is the most important thing from everything which has happened during the “elections”. For the first time, the people’s mistrust to the regime has become so obvious; the risk to collapse has never been so real. And the threat comes from the power that the regime is trying to please, because this is the only power that the regime fears. It was inevitable, and it happened,” Uladzimir Niakliaieu told the website Belarusian News.

We remind that in his speech made today in the “chamber of representatives” the Belarusian dictator said that the boycott of the “parliamentary elections” in Belarus had failed.

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