Sannikov’s defence files cassation appeal

  • 23.05.2011, 14:21

Lawyers of presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov find the verdict ungrounded and unlawful.

Maryna Kavalaueksya, a lawyer of presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov, told BelaPAN news agency that she had filed a cassation appeal against the sentence to his client to the criminal division of the Minsk City Court.

According to her a “preliminary notice of appeal” was filed. “We will specify the appeal upon examining the court record. We have been told it is not ready yet,” Kavalauskaya said.

She underlined that Sannikov’s lawyers find the sentence ungrounded and unlawful.

A cassation appeal must be considered within a month. “Hearing a cassation appeal may be extended for two months in extraordinary cases,” the lawyer said.

On May 14, the Partyzanski district court of Minsk sentenced 2010 presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov to five years in a medium security penal colony. Sannikov was found guilty in violating part 1 of article 293 of the Criminal Code (organizing mass riot), which carries a punishment of imprisonment from 5 to 15 years.

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