Pavel Sapelka: We should pray to God for some people to be brought to their senses

  • 4.03.2011, 23:43

Sapelka will not take an appeal from his disbarment from the lawyers’ association. The experienced lawyer finds no sense in that in the circumstances concerned.

We remind that the decision to disbar Pavel Sapelka, who defended Andrei Sannikov, Pavel Sevyarynets and Zmitser Dashkevich, was passed by Minsk City Bar Association at the justice ministry’s request on March 3.

“Everything has a limit of strength, and the one of Minsk city Bar Association has been discovered as well,” Pavel said to “Salidarnasts”, commenting on the decision of his colleagues.

“I will recover breath and start seeking for employment, I have plenty of leisure time now,” the lawyer has made a joke.

“It seems to me that we should pray to God that some people will be brought to their senses, and for help to those who are behind the bars now,” he summed up.

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