Alyaksandr Atroshchankau met with wife in KGB jail

  • 15.03.2011, 21:07

It is forbidden to talk about politics, investigation or incarceration conditions during such meetings.

As the wife of Alyaksandr Atroshchankau, the spokesperson of the presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov, told to website, because of technical problems in the pre-trial detention centre, lasted just 1 hour 45 minutes instead of usual 3 hours. Nevertheless, Darya Korsak was glad to have this time spent with her husband, who had been sentenced to 4 years of maximum security colony, for alleged participation in mass riots in Independence Square on December 19. In reality, on the square Alyaksandr Atroshchankau was acting in his professional capacity of a journalist. He has been recognized a prisoner of conscience.

Dasha and Sasha (Darya and Alyaksandr) were talking though a glass over the telephone. They could not even hold hands. One have to guard tongue and not say what is forbidden, otherwise the sound would be switched off.

“I am very excited now. It is difficult to recall everything, my thoughts are in a tangle… Sasha looks tired, certainly, but we laughed a lot, he was smiling. I have understood that after the court humiliating treatment of him stopped. I do not know what the reason for that is: the statement by Ales Mikhalevich or the fact that he had been given a sentence. He has managed to say that there are attempts to guilt-trip all political prisoners and to make them have an impression that everyone had forgotten about them completely. He asked whether many people really had come to the court to support him, or whether there could be many riot policemen in mufti? I told that people do not forget him, they remember him, that people are fighting for him. Sasha wants to go to the colony as soon as possible, he does not think this all would end soon… He told that the news that Natallya Radzina and Iryna Khalip had been released from the KGB jail, even under such conditions, where the most joyful for him over the whole period of his arrest.

He told that as before he is kept in a call without a WC, and that going to the lavatory is a kind of a cultural event. He told that a tit flew at their window, and generally crows fly to their window. He said they must be KGB workers, as they appear at 6 a.m., the time for prisoners’ getting up, and fly away at 10 p.m. at retreat time…

Sasha is convinced that everyone in Andrei Sannikov’s team keeps one's chin up. No one has been broken down,” Darya Korsak said.

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