Michael Douglas: Belarus is the country of my forebears (Video)

  • 14.02.2011, 23:35

The American prominent actor and Hollywood star appealed to Belarusians.

British playwright Tom Stoppard read out a letter from outstanding American actor Michael Douglas at a meeting of solidarity with Belarus organized by the American PEN Center in New York in order to support the Belarus Free Theatre.

“My name is Tom Stoppard. As you know there are many Belarusians in America in the sense that there are many many Americans with Belarusian roots. And among them are a number of very distinguished Americans. One of them has sent a message for me to read you this evening and I’d like to begin by doing exactly that.

‘I am an American because my father’s family came here from Belarus for a new life in the land of liberty. We have to use that liberty to support people who are denied such rights as a free and fair vote. As an actor I am glad to support the Belarus Free Theatre, which is a flagship of peaceful protest to bring justice and democracy to the country of my forebears. Michael Douglas.’

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