Founder of “Vitebski Kuryer” to stand trial

  • 2.04.2010, 11:53

Viktar Ramnyou, the founder of the newspaper “Vitebski Kuryer”, was detained by militia in the evening April 1.

Viktar Ramnyou was confiscated 53 copies of the paper. A report for distributing printed materials without imprints was drawn up, Radio Svaboda informs.

Militiamen said they would send the report to the Pershamaikski district court in Vitsebsk. Viktar Ramnyou will stand trial on April 8.

Ramnoyu denies the charge: the newspaper is registered in Russia, printed in Smalensk and has imprints on the last page of every issue.

The court of the town of Liozna (the Vitsebsk region) didn’t take these arguments into account last time. On March 25, officers of the Liozna militia department detained Ramnyou near the Russian-Belarusian border and seized 10,000 copies of the paper. The newspaper fonder was fined 1.2 million rubles in the evening of the same day.

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