“Forward movement” has been liquidated nevertheless

  • 10.11.2010, 13:30

Representatives of the organization explained the decision of the board by the order from above and named it a politically motivated one.

The Board of Appeals of the Economic Court of Minsk decided to dismiss the complaint against the previous decision to liquidate research and education organization “Forward movement”. Such a decision was made by the Chairman of the Board Siarhei Kulakousky and Judges Andrei Plotnikau and Tatsiana Kuzevich, “Radio Svaboda” transmits.

“Tell the Truth” campaign operates within the frameworks of “Forward movement”. The leader of the campaign Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu– is one of the candidates for the presidential post.

Representatives of “Forward movement” explained this decision of the Board by an order from above and named it a politically motivated one.

The decision of the Economic Court of Minsk may be appealed against in the higher authority within a month, but, actually, it is considered, that the decision comes into force from today.

Earlier the Economic Court of Minsk found the rental agreement between “Forward movement” and “Tina Vlati” company “null and void”. On these grounds the court satisfied the suit of the

Minsk city executive committee concerning “Forward movement” and the deprivation of its state registration of.

Already in May the first searches of the employees took place of “Tell the Truth” campaign. The office of the campaign was sealed and remains closed till now. Three activists of the campaign were kept behind the bars. The police took computers from many activists and haven’t given them back.

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