Belarusian Ministry of Defense refused to direct paratroopers for CSTO military exercises

  • 7.10.2010, 13:53

Five officers of the Ministry of Defense of RB will observe the military exercises.

Belarus refused to direct its military contingent for the common operative and tactics military exercises of the Collective Operational Reaction Forces of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CORF CSTO), it was informed in the General Staff of the Armed forces of RF.

“Belarus is not directing its military contingent to Russia for participation in the common anti terrorist exercises of CORF CSTO near Chelyabinsk. Instead of paratroopers included into CORF it will direct five officers of the Defense Ministry to the training ground “Chebarkul”, who will observe the common actions of military divisions of five other countries of CSTO - Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan”, - the interlocutor of ITAR-ТАSS said.

“Meanwhile, - he noted, - the official invitation to Belarusian Ministry of Defense for participation in these exercises was officially sent beforehand as well as to the military agencies of other countries of CSTO”.

The official representative of Russian Air Forces Colonel Aleksandr Cherednik confirmed this information. “Besides Russian military men military divisions of five CSTO countries will participate in CORF CSTO exercises, as well as observers from Belarus”, - he stated.

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