Authors of graffiti “No to Nuclear Plant” made to repair all illegally painted buildings in Baranavichy

  • 5.08.2009, 12:55

A trial over public activists Alyaksei Zhnivarouski, Andrei Medernyuk, and Syarhei Kavaleuski reopened in Baranavichy.

As Euroradio reports, Alyaksei Zhnivarouski, Andrei Medernyuk, and Syarhei Kavaleuski drew “No to Nuclear Plant!” on the walls of the city executive committee and the garment factory “Borovchanka” in spring.

The young people were fined 70,000 and 350,000 Belarusian rubles. Three months after the trial, public utilities filed a claim to compensating for the damage. They want the young people to pay 3.5 mln rubles. The utilities of Baranavichy demand that Zhnivarouski, Medernyu, and Kavaleuski should pay for repair of all buildings in the town where graffiti arte drawn.

The young people, among them two minors, refuse to pay for someone else’s drawings and are ready to pay only for painting out two slogans “No to Nuclear Plant!”

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