Sasha Gusov made photo session for Belarusian dictator at military parade

  • 31.07.2009, 10:06

The well-known British photographer has started to work with Alyaksandr Lukashenka. Services of “the photographer of kings and presidents” are not cheap.

As it turned out, Sasha Gusov pictured the Belarusian ruler during the recent parade, “Salidarnasts” writes.

As we have informed, this week it was reported that Sasha Gusov, called “a photographer of kings and presidents” plans to create a portfolio of Alyaksandr Lukashenka. In particular, it was confirmed by a PR manager who cooperated with Gusov in the framework of the project Re:[construction of the future].

It has turned out that Sasha Gusov pictured Alyaksandr Lukashenka at the parade of July 3. Belarusian colleagues of the British photographer share their impressions:

“This photographer ran across the central avenue, he almost lied under the tanks, and nobody touched him!” Belarusian colleagues of Gusov are astonished. “If we would act like that at the parade, our cameras would be seized immediately!”

It is true, Lukashenka’s security officers are guarding their client with a zeal, and protect him from pictures from undesirable angles as well. So the special conditions created for the British have caused great interest from his colleagues.

“Gusov worked with the same access permit as the personal photographer of the president, he talked directly to Lukashenka’s press-secretary, and didn’t react to remarks and objections of the guards,” said one of the photo reporters working at the parade. “We were told that he is a British photographer who makes a book about Belarus. “He is a free man from a free country, for whom a professional task has been set, and nothing should prevent from implementation of the task,” we thought. But our photographers who have been schooled by guards, does not act like that!”

It is likely that Sasha Gusov is to arrive to Belarus once again soon, to capture Lukashenka in a “peaceful” setting and/or to present the results of the photo session to him. Meanwhile, visitors of Internet forums are sure that services of the “photographer of kings and presidents” cost a lot, and ask the question: “Who pays for that?”

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