Youth activists being pressed ahead of rally on March 25

  • 25.03.2009, 10:26

One of the leaders of “Young Front” Paval Kuryanovich and activist of the “For Freedom” movement from Barysau Syarhei Salash were warned about administrative responsibility for participation in a solemn action on Freedom Day.

A district militia officer handed in a receipt to Paval Kuryanovich, warning him about “administrative responsibility for participation in an unauthorized event”, writes.

“The militiaman advised me not to go to the tomorrow’s “unlawful”, as he said, action, otherwise I may face punishment in accordance with article 23.34,” the youth activist says.

It should be noticed that the militiaman visited “Young Front” leader’s apartment in Baraulyany, though Paval Kuryanovich hasn’t lived him for a long time.

“I dropped in for 20 minutes in the evening, and 10 minutes later a militiaman came. I think a doorwoman phoned him as she had been ordered to inform if I appeared in the house. It can hardly be a coincidence, I haven’t been living in this apartment for some months, and the militia knows it,” the oppositionist says.

Verkhavodka, militia officer of the Zaharadny district militia department of Barysau, phoned Syarhei Salash, representative of the “For Freedom” movement, and said he’d like to meet to “discuss some questions”, reports.

Syarhei Salash refused to meet as he had no time for this. But as it was found out in the telephone conversation, Verkhavodka was interested if the Barysau politician would take part in the today’s freedom Day rally in Minsk and warned him about possible administrative responsibility for participation in the event.

It should be reminded that the rally dedicated to Freedom Day begins in front of the Academy of Sciences in Minsk at 6.00 p.m. today.

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