Masks thrown off

  • 28.01.2009, 16:14

It has become known what opposition figures were invited to the so called public and consultative council at the Lukashenka’s administration.

Head of the administration of the Belarusian dictator Uladzimir Makei will chair the council. As Radio Svaboda and BelaPAN have reported, it is known that economists Alyaksandr Patupa, Leanid Zaika, Stanislau Bahdankevich, Uladzimir Karahin, sociologist Aleh Manaeu, head of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee Aleh Hulak, public figure Uladzimir Nistsyuk were offered to join this power structure. A representative of the “For Freedom” movement, led by Alyaksandr Milinkevich, is also invited to the council.

According to information of Lukashenka’s press service, the prior purpose of the council is “discussion of burning problems of development of the state and society, working out of suggestions on more active involvement of Belarus into global processes, improving of social, economic, and political development of the country”.

The authorities seem to believe they are able to arrange with these people.

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