White House demand Lukashenka to release Kazulin

  • 7.03.2008, 17:30

White House spokesman for the National Security Council Gordon Johndroe named the action of the Belarusian authorities on recalling ambassador from the US “"deeply disappointing."

In his view, it takes Belarus further away from rest of the world. According to him the US authorities will “continue to stand with the people of Belarus as they seek to live in freedom.”

Belarus has recalled its ambassador from the United States and recommended the US ambassador to leave Belarus. The statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs says the decision to recall Ambassador Mikhail Khvastou for consultations has been taken after additional sanctions against Belneftekhim concern were imposed.

Spokesman Gordon Johndroe has said today commenting on the White House decision that new actions of Bush administration were caused by Lukashenka’s refusal to release political prisoner Alyaksandr Kazulin.

“The US Department of State welcomed the releases of opposition activists as positive steps, but urged Lukashenka to free another opposition leader, Alexander Kazulin, as a condition to start a dialogue on normalizing ties,” G. Johndroe said.

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