George Bush called refusal to release Kazulin “definition of brutality”

  • 11.03.2008, 11:41

Yesterday during celebration dedicated to Women's History Month US President George W. Bush paid tribute to women who have defied the governments of Belarus, Cuba and Myanmar. He honored the wife of jailed Belarus opposition leader Alyaksandr Kazulin, Iryna, and called upon Belarusian authorities to release Kazulin.

The US president expressed gratitude to women in oppressed countries “who stand up for the freedom of their people”.

Bush praised Marta Beatríz Roque Cabello, saying she had survived Fidel Castro's "dungeons" and honored the wife of jailed Belarus opposition leader Alyaksandr Kazulin, Iryna, who died of cancer last month, aged 48.

“Americans are inspired by the examples of these women," Bush said. "We will continue to support their work, and the work of women across the world who stand up for the freedom of their people.”

Bush charged that the refusal of the Belarus government -- which he has called the last dictatorship in Europe -- to release Alyaksandr Kazulin to be with his wife on her death bed was “the definition of brutality.”

“And the United States calls upon that government to release Alexander Kazulin immediately, just like they ought to release every other political prisoner in Belarus,” said the US president.

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