Navumau: “Kazulin had no right for leave”

  • 29.02.2008, 11:37

Alyaksandr Kazulin got a short-term leave in violation of the law, Uladzimir Navumau, minister of internal affairs of Belarus said to journalists.

“A. Kazulin received a leave in violation of law. From the legal point of view he had no right for that leave,” U. Navumau said.

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs explained that “A. Kazulin didn’t fall under the category people who have right to get leave on death of close relatives. A former wife is not a close relative.”

Besides, according to the minister, A. Kazulin had some disciplinary penalties. U. Navumau said A. Kazulin used a telephone illegally and 4 officers of the penal colony were punished for that.

Volha Kazulina commented on the words of the minister to the Charter’97 press center:

“I’m so tired to comment on invectives of our officials. Shame on them! My father and mother have lived together for 30 years. Their divorce was just a formality, they divorced just after my father was dismissed from the post of principle of the Belarusian State University. He feared our family would be persecuted and executed the documents, so that our mother owned the property. I can just wish Navumau had such strong family as ours. It’s immoral to say so. Moreover, all claims to my father in colony were unlawful. If he received penalties for that he slept in the daytime, because he was weak after the hungry strike (it lasted 53 days!), what can be said? Are they penalties? Do they have conscience at all?”

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