Mark Zeltser fears not to see his brother alive

  • 19.12.2008, 14:43

Mark Zeltser is sceptical about chances of release of his brother Emanuel who is kept in a Belarusian prison.

He thinks his brother and Vladlena Funk, who has served a third part of her term, won’t be released before their terms of punishment end.

Mark Zeltser told Radio Svaboda he worried about his brother’s health. He again accused Boris Berezovsky of the fact the latter allegedly agreed with the Belarusian authorities they wouldn’t release Emanuel Zeltser and Vladlena Funk at all.

Mark Zeltser also said he couldn’t visit his brother in prison, because he had been refused a Belarusian visa.

Lawyer Zmitser Harachka thinks if it is possible to release his clients, US citizen Emanuel Zeltser and Russia’s citizen Vladlena Funk, it wil happen until January 20.

Emanuel Zeltser and Vladlena Funk were detained in Minsk on March 12, 2008. On August 11, Emanuel Zeltser was sentenced to 3 years of imprisonment for attempted industrial espionage and the use of fake documents. The Supreme Court of Belarus upheld this judgement on October 31. All trials in this case were held behind the closed doors.

Emanuel Zeltser is serving his punishment in penal colony #15 in Mahilou, Vladlena Funk is in penal colony #4 in Homel.

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