Actions against nuclear power station construction in Belarus

  • 28.11.2007, 14:57

Members of the “For Freedom!” movement have begun an informational campaign in Gorki district against construction a nuclear power station and a radioactive waste storage in their district.

Activists spread leaflets calling to declare a boycott of the government’s decision on construction a nuclear power station without a wide public discussion. Their slogan is “Say NO to new Chernobyl.” People are asked to put their names against pollution of environment in Gorki district.

The action initiators declare they don’t believe the future power station will be safe. They want the authorities to give convincing results of researches from the point of view of its safety and energy expediency. The activists require organising of a wide public discussion of this issue, which is important for security of thousands of people. Without these steps, the nuclear power station shouldn’t be constructed, the initiators of the Gorki campaign think.

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