Cross of Martyrs reinstalled in Kurapaty

  • 25.10.2007, 13:48

Yesterday late evening in the memorial area Kurapaty the restored Cross of Martyrs was reinstalled. Valer Buival, spokesman of the Conservatory Christian Party BPF (Belarusian Popular Front) informed Radio Svaboda about it. Some weeks ago the cross was broken by unknown vandals. The public committee on the Cross restoration was created, headed by Zianon Pazniak, discoverer of Kurapaty, head of the CCP BPF.

Cross of Martyrs was installed in Kurapaty 18 years ago on Dziady day. People carried it in their arms through the city from the KGB building to the memorial area. In a few days after the vandals had broken the cross, Zianon Pazniak said in his interview to Radio Svaboda that the cross would be restored.

This year a rally and a meeting to commemorate the memory of the ancestors will take place on Sunday 28 October. The rally starts from the Clock Plant at 11 a.m.

Zianon Pazniak thinks the people who laid hands on the Cross of Martyrs will be punished.

“The facts taken place in Kurapaty are the ordinary criminal, blasphemy, damage of sacred object, liable to criminal punishment. But it is a symbol that can’t be destroyed.

The symbol can be destroyed only by the phenomena analogical, alternative to one, it was created by. That’s why the actions of the good-for-nothing people to break and damage are mean petty criminal. It makes the symbol stronger.

The strength and symbolism of the Cross are so great that by its installing it unites the idea of the whole nation consolidation, the idea of the consolidation before the memory of their suffering. And this great symbolism of the cross is so strong, that it defends itself.

I had life experience, in 1950-60-th I knew the people who destroyed the crosses when the Bolshevics were ruling, fight the religion. All these people ended their lives very bad and very early.

The majority has died. Some become crazy, cripples, lost their sons, daughters. And those who laid the hand on this symbol, this cross, will be punished even if he or she won’t be found by militia. That is the law of the spiritual life, the rustic people ignore it, but it exists” – Zianon Pazniak thinks.

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